Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield is the largest health insurer in Arkansas and a trusted community partner. To reach their goal of keeping Arkansans healthy, ABCBS partnered with Stone Ward to launch the state's first public communications initiative to educate and encourage Arkansans to get the COVID-19 vaccine.
Early research told us what would prove to be a huge challenge – vaccine hesitancy. In addition, BCBS knew that the highest hesitancy rates existed among minority and rural populations.
Our strategy was to hone in on both of these communities by leveraging the influence of community-based organizations and businesses, along with earned, owned and paid media channels, traditional and digital.
Developing creative messaging for the campaign presented a unique challenge, as the initiative had two primary focuses: business-to-business engagement and community engagement. For the business-to-business arm of the campaign, we created assets that educated and encouraged Arkansas businesses to use their influence and access to get their workforces vaccinated. To activate community engagement, a spoken-word approach provided an iconic cultural relevancy to the creative message which was focused on delivering information and inspiration about how a vaccinated Arkansas would allow our targets to enjoy their lives and all they value in them ... once again.
Vaccinate The Natural State Print Ads
Vaccinate The Natural State Brochure
After 191 community vaccination clinics, and the distribution of more than 220 campaign assets over 10 months, both audiences of the campaign were inspired to join the movement and get involved in making our businesses and communities stronger – ultimately raising the vaccination rate significantly in Arkansas.